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120 pages - PDF

  • My own story
  • 4 Powerful modules
  • Key Points for each module
  • Worksheet exercises for each module
  • The Challenge
  • 10 Common Stumbling Blocks After You’ve Found Your “Yes!”
  • Sacred Endings
  • Walking Through The Open Door


PLUS! – 4 HOUR audiobook read by author, Barb Beck.


I wrote This Nightmare Called Marriage - Finding Your Way Back to the Dream!  because it was breaking my heart to work with clients every day, who had WAITED TOO LONG to do something about their surfacing relationship challenges and were now in crisis. And I mean, CRISIS – an affair being discovered, divorce papers slapped on the dining room table and/or one of the partners announcing “I love you, but I’m not in love with you.”


And here’s the thing –  every one of these clients could point back to the time when things started to go south. They knew then, that they were getting off track and that the connection was getting stretched too thin. While a handful tried therapy for a short period, which only band-aided some things for awhile, the majority didn’t know what to do different, so they just kept doing what they were doing and watching things get worse!


I don’t want this to happen to you!


It is exponentially harder to fight your way back from a crisis point in a relationship than to turn things around when you first begin to see the signs of trouble!

My ebook will help you get serious, right now, about changing the trajectory of your relationship. That way we can get you moving forward in a positive direction and into specific actions that will help you get back to showing up as the person you want to be, and can turn things around quickly. 



This ebook is the perfect next step, so that you:

  • Use your frustration, fear and pain as a "turning point" in your relationship
  • Stop the downward spiral immediately so that things don’t keep getting worse
  • Get the focus back where it needs to be – on YOU and creating powerful, positive change
  • Create a specific action plan from the important insights, exercises and guidance
  • Experience a sense of much needed FREEDOM so everyone, including you, relaxes!



This is the MOST IMPORTANT gift you could give yourself right now, before you jump in!

  • Educate yourself on everything from the 4 Stages of Intimacy to the 10 Common Stumbling Blocks couples experience, so you can avoid them from the beginning

  • Begin practicing the 2 powerful mindsets you absolutely must embrace, as you date and move toward a deeper connection
  • Identify weak areas that you can strengthen now, before you say “I do”
  • Set yourself up with a solid Personal Foundation so that you have the opportunity to make better choices in a partner

This Nightmare Called Marriage - Finding Your Way Back To The Dream!

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